Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is it about this image that people love? Are Americans that ignorant? They sell these shirts everywhere, they have made this man, Che Guevara, some kind of icon, hero perhaps? I don't know, but its driving me nuts.

This man is nothing but a communist and a killer. He killed many people in Cuba in cold blood simply because they did not share his ideals of communism.

Wake up America, and stop wearing t-shirts with images of killers in them. I understand this is a free country, but you wouldnt wear a t-shirt with Sadam Huseim's or Osama Bin Laden's images on them would you??


SoCal_Me said...

The most ironic part is that protesters wear his shirts as if he was a rebellious hero....truth is, he killed those who spoke against him. A hero does not kill unarmed men, and a hero does not cause poverty and starvation.

SoCal_Me said...

I saw this book and thought of you:

(I like the orange shirt on the cover)
