Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sometimes I stop and catch myself, and ask myself "Why am I rushing?" Sometimes we need to slow down. When you live in the New York area, everybody is always rushing. You rush to get to work ontime, sometimes I have ran for a whole block because I just missed the bus, (why not wait for the next one?). During the day at work, everything is a rush, then you rush out at 5pm to catch the bus to rush home to cook and take care of your second job, being a mom.

Once in a while we really need to slow down, get to work a little late, or take a day off, relax, read a book in the bus on the way home, get home and order dinner instead of cooking. Watch a movie with your kids while eating dinner, catch up on what's going on in their lives, in school. Forget about cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes, that will keep till tomorrow.

What we do today is what we have, what we enjoy, tomorrow may never come, that is why I try to enjoy my kids as much as possible. It never bothers me to have to run out and go to pick up a bunch of their friends to take them to the movies, I dont mind because that is our special time. We sit in the car and we talk, I try to have a very close relationship with them, I want them to always trust me no matter what.

Last night I had a ton of laundry to do, but I didnt do it, instead I spent a long time with the 2 of them just talking and giggling and cracking up at my son's jokes till my husband started telling us to be quiet 'cause it was getting too late, but we had a great time, those are the moments in life that if we dont stop, and enjoy them, they pass us right by.

Time flyes, and we get old faster than we want to. Stop, look around, enjoy nature, treasure your parents while you still have them, and specially enjoy your kids, there is no turning the pages back to re-do things, go on vacation, cause those moments you will treasure always.
Kids grow up too fast and when you least expect it they are gone off to college and you are home wondering where did the time go.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hi all bloggers out there. My name is Jeannie, and like my title suggests I am a wacky cuban mom. This is my first time blogging, so bear with me.

Today was another crazy day in my crazy life. It was kind of chilly this morning, but it turned out to be a pretty nice day.

Right now its almost 11pm, I am trying to write something and my kids wont let me. They keep making me laugh, and wont let me write. They think I am crazy cause I am writting a blog.

I am not really crazy, I am always multi-tasking, and sometimes I drive myself crazy.

Good night for now!