Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is it about this image that people love? Are Americans that ignorant? They sell these shirts everywhere, they have made this man, Che Guevara, some kind of icon, hero perhaps? I don't know, but its driving me nuts.

This man is nothing but a communist and a killer. He killed many people in Cuba in cold blood simply because they did not share his ideals of communism.

Wake up America, and stop wearing t-shirts with images of killers in them. I understand this is a free country, but you wouldnt wear a t-shirt with Sadam Huseim's or Osama Bin Laden's images on them would you??

Sunday, February 15, 2009

After 20 years of marriage, and 2 teenage kids, for Valentine's day we usually just go out to dinner with the kids.

This year my best friend Maria and her husband Paul invited us to go to their church, they were having a Valentine's day movie and dessert for couples and a talk about fireproofing your marriage. I figured we will go with them. It would give us an opportunity to hang out, which we love to do and it would be something different. I had no idea what was in store, it totally proved to be something different and surprisingly amazing.

The movie was called Fireproof, but the amazing thing about it is that it was about a couple and the problems they were going thru in their lives, and they were contemplating divorce, but his dad gave him a book called The Love Dare. Its a 40 day guide, you have to follow that would change your marriage around. It was very inspirational.

I cried thru the whole movie to the point that I couldn't breath, thank God the lights were off, I was feeling like such a fool, but the funny part was that when the movie finished and lights came back on, every woman in the room had puffy eyes just like me.

It wasn't just me that enjoyed the movie, my husband enjoyed so much that he told me to buy it so we can watch it again. I will definitely buy it, but I also want to buy the love dare book and put it into practice.

I truly recommend it to all married couples, I really think this love dare program will make any marriage alot better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What a happy day!!
The other day I received one of those e-mails that people often send saying that they are sending you a prayer, and that you have to pass it on and something wonderful will happen to you. Well, I usually don't believe any of that nonsense, but a couple of days ago, on Groundhog day to be exact I got one of them, paid it no mind, and forgot about it. Little did I know that for the first time in my life something good was about to happen after receiving that letter --- Hummmm!! was it the letter or pure coincidence???

When I got home that night I got a phone call from the guidance councelor of a high school my daughter had applied to, and never expected to get accepted to, because they had 1800 applicants and only 120 get accepted. He told me he had been trying to get in touch with me all day to let me know that my daughter was accepted at the school and had an orientation meeting on Friday. Needless to say I was thrilled!! It's a great school, it has transportation that would pick her up and drop her off right in front of the house and best of all its free!! But that was not the only good news that was waiting for me that day. My son brought home his report card with 1st honors. What more can a mother ask for?? Thank you both for making your momma so happy!!!!
Is our country really in a Recession??

Recession - A period of general economic decline.
That is the definition according to Google. But are we really in a recession?? I have yet to see it. Everyone is complaining about money, but every place you go to is packed. Last Saturday we went to IHOP, and not only couldnt we find a parking, but there were more than 30 people waiting for a table and the restaurant was packed. Everywhere you go its the same thing. You go to the movies and its packed, you go to a store or the supermarket and they are packed. Then can somebody explain to me what a recession is??